- Jambadu, L., Monstadt, J., & Pilo, F. (2024). The politics of tied aid: technology transfer and the maintenance and repair of water infrastructure. World Development, 175 (3), Article 106476. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.worlddev.2023.106476
- Engels, Jens Ivo (Hrsg): . Mit Beiträgen von: Arturo Crespo, Markus Dombois, Stephanie Eifert, Ivonne Elsner, Jens Ivo Engels, Jan Henning, Andreas Huck, Alice Knauf, Kristoph Lukitsch, Manas Marathe, Marcel Müller, Christ Stahlhut, Nadja Thiessen. Key Concepts for Critical Infrastructure Research, Wiesbaden: Springer VS 2018
- . Mit Beiträgen u.a. von Jens Ivo Engels, Alfred Nordmann, Stephanie Eifert/ Gerrit Schenk. Engels, Jens Ivo / Nordmann Alfred (Hrsg): Was heißt Kritikalität? Zu einem Schlüsselbegriff der Debatte um Kritische Infrastrukturen, Bielefeld: transcript 2018
- Dombois, M./ Bittner, T./ Rüppel, U.: Approaching the criticality of information for emergency response and control center operations, in: Boersma, K./ Tomaszewski, B. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 15th ISCRAM Conference. Presented at the 15th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management, Rochester/ USA, 2018, S. 388–397.
- Oetting, Andreas/ Crespo, Arturo: Model for Estimating the Residual Transport Capacity During Passenger Deviation, in: Tagungsband der 26. VWT – Verkehrswissenschaftliche Tage der TU Dresden 2018, S. 110-112.
- Elsner, I., Monstadt, J. & Raven, R.P.J.M. (2019). Decarbonising Rotterdam? Energy transitions and the alignment of urban and infrastructural temporalities. City, 23 ( 4-5), (pp. 646-657)
- Huck, A. & Monstadt, J. (2019). Urban and infrastructure resilience: Diverging concepts and the need for cross-boundary learning. Environmental Science and Policy, 100, (pp. 211–220)
- . Link. Hollick, Matthias/ Engels, Jens Ivo/ Michèle Knodt, Annette Rudolph-Cleff, Anne Hofmeister, Florian Steinke, et al.: The Emergency Responsive Digital City; in: Proceedings of the World Congress on Resilience, Reliability and Asset Management, Singapore 28. – 31. Juli 2019, S. 136-139
- Engels, Jens Ivo/ Monstadt, Jochen/ Dombois, Marcus/ Frank, Sybille/ Stahlhut, Chris/ Enders, Tina: Urban Infrastructures: Criticality, Vulnerability and Protection. Report of the International Conference of the Research Training Group KRITIS at Technische Universität Darmstadt, 7-8 February 2019. Darmstadt 2019. https://tuprints.ulb.tu-darmstadt.de/id/eprint/8715.
- Engels, Jens Ivo/ Frank, Sybille/ Gurevych, Iryna/ Heßler, Martina/ Knodt, Michèle/ Monstadt, Jochen/ Nordmann, Alfred/ Oetting, Andreas/ Rudolph-Cleff, Annette/ Rüppel, Uwe/ Schenk, Gerrit Jasper/ Steinke, Florian: Transformation, Zirkulation, System of Systems: Für ein dynamisches Verständnis netzgebundener Infrastrukturen, Darmstadt 2021, DOI: 10.26083/tuprints-00017923.
- Research Training Group KRITIS (ed.): Concepts of Infrastructure: whitepaper of an internal workshop, Darmstadt 2021,
Mit Qualitätssicherung:
- Crespo, Arturo/ Oetting, Andreas: Public Transport Capacity Limitations – Means for a Prompt Occupancy Rate (O.R.), in: Evaluation. Internationales Verkehrswesen 70, 3 (2018), S. 84–87.
- Eller, C./ Bittner, T./ Dombois, M./ Rüppel, U.: Collaborative Immersive Planning and Training Scenarios in VR, in: Advanced Computing Strategies for Engineering, Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Presented at the Workshop of the European Group for Intelligent Computing in Engineering, Springer, Cham 2018, S. 164–185. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91635-4_9.
- Bittner, T./ Eller, C./ Dombois, M./ Rüppel, U.: BIM-unterstützte Erstellung interaktiver, immersiver VR-Szenarien am Beispiel der Brandbekämpfung, in: von Both, P./ Wagner, A. (Eds.), BauSIM2018 – 7. Deutsch-Österreichische IBPSA-Konferenz. Presented at the IBPSA-Konferenz, KIT, Karlsruhe 2018. https://doi.org/10.5445/IR/1000085743.
- Bittner, T./ Eller, C./ Dombois, M./ Rüppel, U.: BIM-unterstützte Erstellung interaktiver, immersiver VR-Szenarien am Beispiel der Brandbekämpfung; in: Bauphysik 40 (2018), S. 410–415. https://doi.org/10.1002/bapi.201800028.
- Schenk, G.J./ Eifert, S.: „Kritische Infrastrukturen“ als Ergebnisse individueller und kollektiver Kritikalitätszumessungen – ein Ansatz für die Mediävistik? Engels, Jens Ivo; Nordmann, Alfred (Hrg): Was heißt Kritikalität? Zu einem Schlüsselbegriff der Debatte um Kritische Infrastrukturen. Bielefeld 2018, S. 47-96.
- Stab, C./ Daxenberger, J./ Stahlhut, C./ Miller, T./ Schiller, B./ Tauchmann, C./ … Gurevych, I.: ArgumenText: Searching for Arguments in Heterogeneous Sources. Proceedings of the 16th Annual Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies. Presented at the New Orleans, USA. New Orleans, USA: Association for Computational Linguistics 2018.
- Stahlhut, C./ Stab, C./ Gurevych, I.: Pilot Experiments of Hypothesis Validation Through Evidence Detection for Historians. Proceedings of the First Biennial Conference on Design of Experimental Search & Information Retrieval Systems, 2167 (2018), S. 83–89. Retrieved from http://ceur-ws.org/Vol-2167/paper7.pdf.
- Mahrenholz, Petra/ Schenk, Gerrit J./ Huck, Andreas: Report of session 1 “Challenges of Extreme Events for Resilient Infrastructures”, White paper Herrenhausen Conference October 9-11, 2019, Extreme Events, DOI 10.17871/HK-report-session-1.
- Huck, A., Monstadt, J., Driessen, P., & Rudolph-Cleff, A. (2020): Towards Resilient Rotterdam? Key conditions for a networked approach to managing urban infrastructure risks, DOI: https://doi.org/10.1111/1468-5973.12295.
- Huck, A., Monstadt, J., Driessen, P.P.J. & Rudolph-Cleff, A. (2020). Towards resilient Rotterdam? Key conditions for a networked approach to managing urban infrastructure risks. Journal of Contingencies and Crisis Management, (open access, online first).