PhD Student

Julia Hinze M.A.


work +49 6151 16-28576

Work S4|22 304
Dolivostr. 15
64293 Darmstadt

Research Interests

  • Urban History
  • History of Communication and Communication Infrastructures
  • 18th and 19th Century History, esp. Saddle Period (1750-1850)
  • Warning Signals, Urban Protection Concepts
  • Sound Studies, Media History and Material Culture

PhD Project

Information and communication infrastructures for fire detection in cities of the late 18th and 19th centuries (working title)

How did people warn of fires in 18th and 19th century cities? Although information and communication systems (ICT) are often associated with the 20th century, sophisticated ICT infrastructures for fire detection already existed at the end of the 18th century. With the help of bells, trumpets and other acoustic signals, watchmen high on church and watchtowers, as well as night watchmen and other municipal servants, warned of conflagrations and kept fire watch. Guardrooms and church towers were connected by sight lines and the urban road network, so this ICT was also network-bound. The focus of the work is on the construction, but also the transformation of this socio-technical system, also from the point of view of the human-technology relationship and technical innovations. The invention of telegraphy, the control of work processes through technical aids (such as watch clocks) and electrification play a significant role in this. The work also deals with the persistence and transience of technology and the superimposition of technology in so-called time layers. This is followed by the question of whether the interdependence with other infrastructures has also increased with the increasing electrification and the integration of telegraphy.

Closely connected to this sedimentation of technology in infrastructural systems is the overlapping of associated practices and generally human action within ICT, infrastructural action. Thus, the work also aims to contribute to the question of how people act as part of the infrastructure, how this infrastructural action is controlled and standardised and acts as a vulnerability factor with and alongside the technology on the system. This analysis is based on an intensive study of sources in the archives of the Hanseatic city of Hamburg and the former residential cities of Munich and Vienna. Among other things, sources such as instructions, operating manuals, administrative documents, magistrate's minutes or council resolutions are examined. In addition, printed sources such as newspaper articles (fire brigade newspaper, local press), fire regulations or historiographic sources are consulted.

10/2022 – 09/2022 Master of Arts (with Distinction), History and Cultural Studies, Major: History, Minor: Art History, Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
10/2015 – 09/2020 Bachelor of Arts, History and Cultural Studies, 1st Major: History, 2nd Major: Specialized Journalism (History), Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
Since 10/2022 Research Assistant at RTG KRITIS, Research Field: Modern and Contemporary History
05/2022 – 09/2022 Student Assistant at the Chair of Modern History for Dr. Nadja Klopprogge, JLU Gießen
05/2021 – 09/2022 Student Assistant in the DFG-Project: Visuelle Evidenz. Manuskriptkarten, Genealogien und ihre Darstellungsmedien in ihrer Funktion als Beweismittel vor dem Reichskammergericht (1495-1806) (Visual Evidence. Manuscript Maps, Genealogies and their Representational Media as Evidences at the Imperial Chamber Court 1495–1806) with Prof. Dr. Anette Baumann, JLU Gießen
05/2020 – 09/2022 Student Assistant: BMBF-Project: Glas. Material, Funktion und Bedeutung zwischen 1600–1800 in Thüringen (Glass. Material, Function and Meaning between 1600–1800 in Thuringia) with Dr. Annette Cremer, Cooperation of JLU Gießen with TU Bergakademie Freiberg
01/2020 – 12/2021 Student Assistant: Postdoc Career and Mentoring Office, Central Service Office for Postdocs, JLU Gießen
04/2018 – 12/2019 Student Assistant: Herder-Institut für historische Ostmitteleuropaforschung Marburg (Herder Institute for the Research on Eastern and Central Eastern European History)

Hinze, Julia Carolin: Mit Aufstossung der Trompete. Akustische Signale als Richtschnur städtischen Zusammenlebens am Fallbeispiel Herborns im 18. Jahrhundert. In: Nassauische Annalen 134 (2023), S. 79 – 98. (Hinze, Julia Carolin: With the blast of the trumpet. Acoustic signals as a guideline for everyday life in urban areas using the case study of Herborn in 18th century. In: Annals of Nassau 134 (2023) S. 79 – 98.)

Unpublished Master Thesis (with Distinction): Hinze, Julia Carolin: Glöckner, Türmer, Stadtmusicus: Akustische Zeichensysteme am Beispiel Herborns im 18. Jahrhundert, Professur für Geschichte der Frühen Neuzeit, betreut durch Dr. Annette C. Cremer & Prof. Dr. Horst Carl (Hinze, Julia Carolin: Acoustic Sign Systems using the Example of Herborn in the 18th Century, Chair of Early Modern History, supervised by Dr. Annette C. Cremer & Prof. Dr. Horst Carl)

„Die deutsche Anti-Atomkraftbewegung im Spiegel der Medien“ (The German Anti-Nuclear Movement in the Media). Vietnam National University – University of Social Sciences and Humanities, Đại học Quốc gia Hà Nội

Hinze, Julia / Sturm, Holger/ Berndt, Katja et al.: Im Mantel der Geschichte. Ein Brevierfragment aus Rechtenbach. (In the Mantle of History. A Breviary Fragment from Rechtenbach. In: Mitteilungen des Wetzlarer Geschichtsvereins 49 (2018).

„Erz-zählte“ Vergangenheit: Repräsentation durch eiserne Objekte in der Familiensammlung der Fürsten und Grafen zu Solms-Braunfels (Narrated Past: Iron Objects in the Family Collection of the Counts and Princes of Solms-Braunfels), Research Colloquium – Early Modern History (Prof. Dr. Horst Carl), JLU Gießen

Benner, Annalina / Frewer, Lena / Hinze, Julia Carolin / Schuffert, Filip Emanuel: Tagungsbericht – Juristen als Experten: Eine Untersuchung der Wissensbestände und Diskurse der Juristen im 16. und 17. Jahrhundert (Conference Report – Jurists as Experts: Investigation of the Knowledge and Discourses of Jurists in the 16th and 17th Century), 19.11.2020 – 20.11.2020, online unter:

„Zur Pflege des weiblichen Sinnes geeignet“ – Das Schulgeschichtsbuch „Frauengestalten“ als Quelle der Geschlechtergeschichte – Adapté à l’entretien de l’esprit féminin – Le manuel scolaire „Frauengestalten“ comme source d’histoire du genre („Suitable for Cultivating the Female Sense“ – The School History Book „Frauengestalten“ as a Gender History Source / Tagung: Gender, soziale Umfelder und Hochschulschriften, Genre, milieux, et écrits académiques , Conference: Gender, Social Enviroments and Academic Writing, 9.12.2021 – 10.12.2021, Université de Strasbourg.

  • 09/2021: Master’s Degree with Distinction (Department of History, Justus-Liebig-University Gießen)
  • 01/2021 – 09/ 2022: Master scholarship holder of the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung