Dr.-Ing. Marcus Dombois
Member of the Research Training Group CRITIS from 10/2016 to 09/2019
Dept. 13: Civil and Environmental Engeneering
Institute of Numerical Methods and Informatics in Civil Engineering
Research Interests
- Critical Infrastructures and Emergency Information Management
- Modeling and analyzing dynamic networks
- Cascading effects
- Communication networks
- Data Mining and Machine Learning
- Extraction and processing of information and knowledge from structured and unstructured data
- Automated collection of sensor data
- Indoor Tracking and Navigation
- Usage of mobile devices
- Integration of digital building models
- Use of various sensors such as Wi-Fi, Bluetooth LE or inertial sensors
- Sensor fusion
- Building Information Modeling (BIM)
PhD Project
Multilayer graph networks for modeling and analyzing exercise scenarios in civil protection and disaster response
Considering the emergency sector as critical infrastructure and with reference to the concepts of preparedness & prevention as well as criticality, the dissertation examines to what extent software applications can be used to support exercises in civil protection and disaster response. A social network theory approach is followed and the attempt is made to model and investigate scenario-based exercises as dynamic networks of different types of relationships. The work also addresses the dual role of the emergency sector in the system of infrastructures and the importance of the exercise for the sector.
The aim of the dissertation is to examine the potential of social network analysis for the planning and evaluation of exercises and to consider the resulting requirements for software systems and organizations in practice. For this purpose, a concept for a network-based support software is designed, implemented and tested in different disaster control exercises.