Former Members

Congratulations on the successfully defended dissertations!

List of CRITIS Alumni

  Name Contact
Picture: privat
Dr.-Ing. Arturo Crespo
Dr.-Ing. Marcus Dombois
Dr. des. Stephanie Eifert
Dr. phil. Andreas Huck
Dr. rer. pol. Alice Engel (geb. Knauf)
Dr.-Ing. Manas Marathe
Dr. phil. Marcel Siegler (geb. Müller)
Dr. rer. nat. Chris Stahlhut
Dr. des. Markus Schertler
Dr. phil. Nadja Thiessen (geb. Schmitt)
Dr. phil. Benedikt Vianden
Dr. phil. Allegra Celine Baumann
Institute of Sociology, Department Urban Sociology and Sociology of Space
Dr. phil. Cleopatra Schuhmacher
Dr. Emanuel Lukio Mchome
Dr. des. Jammie Adebisi Titilayo
Dr. rer. pol. Eva Platzer
Institute of Political Science, Chair of Comparative Politics and European Integration
Dr.-Ing. Luisa Kautzmann (geb. Kuhn)
Institute of Numerical Methods and Informatics in Civil Engineering
M.A. Søren From Soelberg
Institute for Philosophy, Department of Philosophy of Technology
M.A. Raphael Longoni
Institute of History, Department of Medieval History
M.A. Tilman Beck
Ubiquitous Knowledge Processing (UKP) Lab
Dr. des. Felipe Beuttenmüller Lopes Silva
Institute of History, Department of History of Technology
Eline Punt M.Sc.
Institute of Sociology, Department Urban Sociology and Sociology of Space
Chaitali Wyomesh Dighe M.Sc.
Section Urban Planning, Subject Area Spatial and Infrastructure Planning
Dr. Lazarus Jambadu
Elisa Berg M.A.
Aniket Pramanick M.Sc.
Larissa Ullmann M.A.

List of former research associates

  Name Contact
Jan Hua-Henning M.A.
Oskar Neumann M.Sc.
Yvonne Elsner
Lena Roeder M.A.