Picture: isngi.orgPicture: isngi.org
KRITIS beim ISNGI 2019 in Buenos Aires
Am 23. September ist Andreas Huck beim International Symposium Next Generation infrastructure 2019 in Buenos Aires mit einem Beitrag zum Thema “Urban resilience and critical infrastructures: Governing connectivity in Rotterdam and Christchurch” aufgetreten.
Die erste KRITIS-Dissertation wurde eingereicht!
Am 10. September 2019 hat KRITIS-Doktorand Manas Marathe seine Dissertation eingereicht.
Picture: Elena DingersenPicture: Elena Dingersen
Report of the Conference “Urban Infrastructures: Criticality, Vulnerability and Protection”
The report of the first international conference of the Research Training Group KRITIS from 7 to 8 February 2019 at Technische Universität Darmstadt is online now.
Picture: pixabayPicture: pixabay
Announcement of 12 PhD Positions (m/d/w) at the Research Training Group KRITIS
Would you like to do your doctorate on a highly relevant topic in an inspiring environment? Would you like to work with an interdisciplinary group of doctoral students, renowned supervisors, professional administrative support and a variety of opportunities for scientific networking? – Then apply to KRITIS!
Picture: pixabayPicture: pixabay
Workshop Report: “Vulnerability and Resilience of Critical Infrastructures in Cities”
Technische Universität Darmstadt, December 15, 2017
“Vulnerability” and “resilience” are terms and concepts that are used repeatedly in the context of the investigation and consideration of critical infrastructures. During the workshop, “Vulnerability and Resilience of Critical Infrastructures in Cities” on December 15, 2017, at Technische Universität Darmstadt, the participants took a critical look at both concepts from a scientific and from a practical perspective.
Tagungsbericht zum Workshop “Kritikalität”
Am 14. Juli 2017 hat das Graduiertenkolleg KRITIS einen interdisziplinären Workshop zum Thema “Kritikalität” veranstaltet. Das Thema wurde sowohl aus geschichtswissenschaftlicher, soziologischer, ingenieuraler und philosophischer Perspektive beleuchtet, vor allem mit Blick auf Kritische Infrastrukturen und auf die Bedeutung von “Kritikalität” in diesem Kontext.
Picture: Elena DingersenPicture: Elena Dingersen
International Conference: “Urban Infrastructures: Criticality, Vulnerability and Protection”
7 – 8 February 2019 at the Technische Universität Darmstadt
In February 2019, an international and multidisciplinary conference on “Urban Infrastructures: Criticality, Vulnerability and Protection” will take place at the Technische Universität Darmstadt. The focus of the conference is on networked critical infrastructures in cities as socio-technical systems that require special protection strategies due to their vulnerabilities.
“Was heißt Kritikalität? Zu einem Schlüsselbegriff der Debatte um Kritische Infrastrukturen”
Neuerscheinung des Graduiertenkollegs KRITIS
Der Sammelband „Was heißt Kritikalität? Zu einem Schlüsselbegriff der Debatte um Kritische Infrastrukturen“ ist aus einem Workshop des Kollegs im Sommer 2017 entstanden. Beiträger_innen sind die Teilnehmenden des Workshops „Kritikalität“, im welchem aus Sicht von Geschichte, Philosophie, Soziologie, Ingenieurwissenschaft und Risiko- und Krisenmanagement (hinter-)fragt wurde, was „Kritikalität“ in Bezug auf Kritische Infrastrukturen bedeutet.
New publication of the Research Training Group KRITIS: “Key Concepts of Critical Infrastructure Research”
The first publication of the Research Training Group KRITIS will be published by Springer VS in August 2018.
4th Conference of the International Bridges Group
After three successful conferences in London, Prague and Salisbury, the meeting of the International Bridges Group in 2018 will be taking place in Regensburg (24–26 August). The conference will bring together historians, art historians, and archeologists. The goal is to discuss new ideas on medieval bridges and cities in which these bridges are located. One focus of the meeting will be English medieval bridges, followed by bridges of Central Europe and the Byzantine region.