Bild: pixabayBild: pixabay
DFG bewilligt Zusatzantrag zur Pandemieforschung
„Infrastrukturen (in) der Pandemie“
Concepts of Infrastructure – Whitepaper of an internal workshop
Joint whitepaper by the graduate researchers of the college published
Transformation, Zirkulation, System of Systems
Neuer gemeinsamer Aufsatz der Professor_innen des Kollegs zur Dynamik von Infrastrukturen
Vor Kurzem haben die an KRITIS beteiligten Professor_innen einen gemeinsamen Aufsatz veröffentlicht. Dieser plädiert dafür, die Dynamik technischer netzgebundener Infrastrukturen mit einem dreifachen Ansatz zu untersuchen: Transformation, Zirkulation und System of Systems.
Invitation for interested parties to take part in the Research training group's lecturer series
Picture: pixabayPicture: pixabay
Call for Presentations: International Conference „Transformation of Infrastructure Systems“
The interdisciplinary Research Training Group KRITIS invites researchers and practitioners to participate in its second international conference in November 2021.
At first glance, infrastructures appear to be solid, stable and immovable. But is that really the case? Research in recent years has shown the opposite: Infrastructures are dynamic and malleable, characterized by continuous development, interruptions, breakdowns as well as reconstruction, and repair.
Digital conference “Temporalities of Transportation Infrastructures” on May 11th, 2021
The KRITIS research training group is inviting to a one-day digital conference on the topic
Picture: Benedikt ViandenPicture: Benedikt Vianden
Marcel Siegler's Disputation
Marcel Siegler successfully defended his dissertation
The successful defence of Marcel Siegler's (née Müller) doctoral thesis took place on 29.01.2021.
Picture: Nadja ThiessenPicture: Nadja Thiessen
Andreas Huck: first Joint Doctorate of KRITIS
KRITIS doctoral candidate Andreas Huck successfully defended his dissertation online end of October.
Picture: pixabayPicture: pixabay
KRITIS: DFG funding extended until 2025
Another 4,5 years for the Research Training Group
Verlängerung des Forschungsstipendiums für Emanuel Lukio
Der assoziierte KRITIS-Doktorand Emanuel Lukio hat eine Verlängerung seines Forschungsstipendiums von dem DAAD bewilligt bekommen.